e-mail: nicolasDOTgambardellaATunivDASHlilleDOTfr   LinkedIn:   blog:   Personal Twitter:   Personal Mastodon:   Google Scholar:   ORCID:   Gitlab:  

Nicolas Gambardella

We are looking for a PhD student to study the role of the microbiome on cardiac aging. The PhD student will develop machine learning models to evaluate cardiac age from raw electrocardiogram (ECG) waveforms, epigenetic age from DNA methylation (DNAm), and metabolomic age from ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS) metabolomic data. This is a collaboration with Marc-Emmanuel Dumas. More information.
Heads-up: I will be recruiting a PhD student in September 2025 to work on Graph Neural Networks. The graphs will include linked pathway and ontology modules. They will be built and trained using genomic and functional genomic data from cardiometabolic cohorts (type 2 diabetes, obesity, liver steatotic disease). Contact me for more information. nicolasDOTgambardellaATunivDASHlilleDOTfr
Picture of Nicolas Gambardella

Life science researcher at the French CNRS, focusing on using computational methods, particularly artificial intelligence, to predict, prevent, and better treat cardio-metabolic disorders, such as diabetes, obesity, steatosis, meta-inflammation and related affections.

I have a background in neuroscience, molecular and cellular biology, bioinformatics, mathematical modelling and data visualisation. I published research in many areas of computational biology such as molecular phylogeny, molecular modelling, transcriptomics, system modeling and quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP). I have also a fairly large awareness of knowledge representation in the life sciences, including databases, ontologies and standard formats. While my research is conducted in academia, I collaborated extensively with the pharma industry and was a consultant for clinical research.

I also spent five years as an independent science writer and biomedical translator. Besides my professional translations, I translated science-fiction novels, in particular the Toucan Trilogy and Eden Chip written by Scott Cramer.